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HSA Silver Shovel Award 2024

Every year the HSA presents its Silver Award to a person or persons who have made significant contributions to the Mount Hotham community.  The presentation is made at the HSA season opening function held at The Genny on the Sunday of the KBW every year.

This year the award went to ARV Deputy Chair Helen Moran in recognition of her huge contribution to Mount Hotham and the Alpine industry over many decades.

The Silver Shovel was presented to Helen by the 2023 recipient Len Dobell along with Lachlan Castran, HSA President Greg Price and past recipient Peter Zirknitzer.

Congratulations Helen.



HSA Silver Shovel Award 2023
On the Sunday of the QBW we all came together to honour Lendo on his last working season at Hotham over a long and incredible journey.
The Hotham community thank you Len for all that you have done over your time on Hotham and we are looking forward to future chairlift rides with you mate.
We now look forward to seeing you every year on stage with last year’s winner Peter Zirknitzer doing a bootie with next year’s winner of the HSA Silver Shovel.
HSA Silver Shovel Award 2022
Hotham Stakeholder’s Association opening was made super special by not only our metre of snow but by the opportunity to honour and recognise the huge contribution made to our Alpine Community by The Zirknitzer family. After 59 years of service to our mountain the family have sold the iconic Zirkys and Peter at 88 has promised Heather he will retire ))).
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